Apr 14 2017

We all know Sayulita is a magical town. It has an undeniable charm that almost instantly sweeps you off your feet. Once you get here, brace yourself, because you might not want to leave. Ever. To keep Sayulita shining like the star she is, a local group of beautiful people from Pachamama decided to take action and started the ‘Yo Amo Sayulita Limpio’ or ‘I Love Sayulita Clean’ project.

The Project

The girls of the well-known Pachamama store on the main street leading to the beach, started this ambitious project that will keep Sayulita clean. Together they have approached businesses and locals (tourists and residents), to donate a sum of 10 to 30 pesos a day. From this money they have been able to buy three little carts (carritos) carrying broomsticks and garbage cans to keep the town clean seven days a week, six ours a day. Apart from the three carritos, there are now ten people employed on the project. The main focus is on the central area around the plaza, and the streets leading to the beach. As the project expands, the carritos will go beyond the commercial center of Sayulita.

Weekly Cleanups

In order to keep ‘I Love Sayulita Clean’ a community project, Pachamama organizes a weekly Saturday cleanup at 9 o’clock in the morning. Everyone meets in front of Pachamama, brings a broom, and (optional) dresses in white. Remember, keeping the town of Sayulita clean is fun, so don’t forget to wear your smile!

What can you do?

This project is a community project and ideally needs everyone involved. If you feel inspired to help, don’t hesitate to pass by Pachamama and ask in what way you can be of assistance. Also, in the near future, there will be several fundraising events for this amazing project that will keep our town clean.