Jul 12 2005

APFS, A.C. Meeting 24
July 12, 2005
Held at Haramara Retreat at 9a.m.

Sixteen people attended on a rainy Tuesday morning representing the following communities: Sayulita (8), Higuera Blanca-Litibu (5), San Pancho and Punta de Mita.

(Secretary's note: Because recent meetings have shifted to broader issues affecting the Southern Nayarit coast, we felt our Sayulita concerns were not being adequately addressed. We resolved to begin next meeting with our Sayulita agenda and to begin discussing area wide concerns at 10 or when we feel we've covered what we need to. We should be proud that our small campfire has drawn quality people prepared to unite on matters of common concern. These are no longer English-only meetings - a majority of those attending are fluent in two languages and most of the rest are working at becoming bilingual. The result has been for speakers to use the language they are most comfortable with. Some things are translated during the meeting, some are not.)

Sajeela opened with a report on Dr. Alberto Szekely's preliminary findings as to whether we could have any impact on the Sayulita-Punta de Mita highway. Dr. Szekely feels we have a strong case. Apparently, SEMARNAT looked the other way when the state of Nayarit described the road work as being a "repaving" project. Consequently, no environmental impact studies of any kind were required or filed. Dr. Szekely is working with Jorge Carreaga, a notario we have worked with before, to prepare a report which will "witness" the true nature of the project (complete with photos). Sajella expects Dr. Szekely here the week after next.

Sajeela and Erik summarized last week's meeting with FONATUR (the federal government's development agency), SEMARNAT (environmental) and PROFEPA (environmental enforcement) which dealt with FONATUR's future plans for the south coast. The FONATUR representative gave their typical power point presentation, developed to attract investors, and was blind-sided by questions from concerned citizens regarding the impact of the agency's grandiose development plans on their communities (particularly their Litibu Plan). He could offer no response to simple questions dealing with water, employee housing, etc. This lit a fire under the newly-appointed delegada (director) of SEMARNAT. She was appalled at FONATUR's tunnel-vision which could somehow accommodate the water requirements for the guests in over 3,000 hotel rooms and a golf course, but completely ignore the needs of the "water poor" town of Higuera Blanca.

Thursday, July 14, a group of us will meet with SEMARNAT in Tepic to talk about the new highway with a list of suggestions aimed at making the road a model for eco-friendliness. We feel we have potential allies there and are hopeful that we can work together toward creating an environmentally conscious and people-friendly thoroughfare. We also know that we have some powerful legal alternatives waiting in the wings.

Don Felix, ejiditarian from Higuera Blanca, attended his first meeting and spoke about the traditional enmity between the government and local people...their needs are largely ignored and the government seeks to perpetuate their low standing and lack of power. He sees an "awakening" and believes it is important that the people organize and present their own vision for the area. There was a lengthy discussion on the need for a Higuera Blanca-Litibu union and how to achieve effective communication and cooperation between the two.

Horst again stressed the need for our individual A.C.s and the Alianza de la Costa Verde to come up with mission statements that answer questions like: who are we, what are our goals; why are we doing what we do, etc. We'll e-mail around our thoughts. The fund-raising flyer is progressing. Kerry and Barry have produced versions that edited down an earlier narrative. We are looking for some good photos. Can you help?

There are rumors that a group of Americans has bought the property between Tia Adriana's and the ferreteria (with frontage on both streets to the beach) for a lot of money and a 5 or 6 floor apartment building or condominium is planned. We will try to find out more.

Your financial support will enable us to accomplish many of the needed and important projects and goals that we are currently working on. Please make a contribution and support this association.

Take the time to check out the website (www.preservesayulita.org). There are some new features that make it worth the time.

Meeting adjourned about 12:30.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 19, 2005 at 9:00am at Haramara Retreat

Thank you all for attending.

Write us at contact@preservesayulita.org
Visit our website at www.preservesayulita.org