Apr 01 2016

Shelly Yogev was born in Israel, grew up in Chicago, and then moved to Sayulita in 2006. Passionate about helping others, she goes out of her way to help individuals and families she sees in need. It’s this same compassion and motivation to help that led her to become involved with SayulitAnimals.

How did you get involved with SayulitAnimals?

I heard about SayulitAnimals shortly after they first got their start in February of 2009. By Christmas of that year, Sara Briner was left as the only founding member still involved. I knew then that I was needed full time and started volunteering full force.  

How does SayulitAnimals make a difference in Sayulita?

SayulitAnimals makes a difference for every animal and human being in Sayulita, and with our adoption program we touch the hearts of many homes and families around the world. An important impact is made from the perspective of public health and hygiene (keeping the town clean and less unwanted animals wandering around). Even more enjoyable is the spreading of compassion and love.

What motivates you to continue to try to make a positive impact in Sayulita?

Historic successes and knowing there are happy, safe cats and dogs living out a great life. It fills my heart.

What changes do you want to see brought about by SayulitAnimals?

I want to see less neglected, sad, and undervalued animals, and more healthy, happy, and wanted animals. I’ve already seen some of this change happen, but I’d like to continue to see more mutual respect and love amongst the humans and animals.

What role do you play?

Technically I’m the director of medical aid, which means I help street animals get healthy enough for adoption. I’m also in charge of fundraising, grant writing, and the product shop (in front of Hotel Sayulita Central), which we call “The Kennel.”

What have you gained from your involvement with SayulitAnimals?

Sayulita helped me identify my love for dogs. SayulitAnimals has helped me find and follow my passion in life. I didn’t realize how much I loved these animals until I moved to Sayulita. I didn’t realize how amazing it feels to make a difference this way. SayulitAnimals has helped me find my bliss.

What positive changes have you seen brought about by SayulitAnimals? What are you most proud of?

I clearly see that Sayulita has many more healthy and happy pets, and many less suffering animals. I’m most proud of the tenacity, which led to the ongoing expansion and improvement of our programs. With 7 years of experience as an organization, SayulitAnimals not only impacts our town, but also the towns around us. In Canada and the U.S., our network with other rescue organizations continues to grow and our sterilization program is expanding each year (with both visiting vets and a local vet). SayulitAnimals just keeps getting bigger and better and you can see the results of our work in all the love around.

What additional change would you like to see in the future with SayulitAnimals and what are you doing to make this happen?

I like the direction in which SayulitAnimals is going, and I’m extremely proud of our progress for the animals and the community.  What I hope for now, is to earn a living wage for Sara and I.  Over the last 7 years we have been paid with dog food and gas/phone credit - no salary. Beyond assisting the animals, I believe we help make Sayulita a cleaner, happier, better tourist town. I hope that more businesses and rental owners can see that we make a difference in this town and their success. I hope they start to donate more to help us continue in our successes. 

Another change I would like to see in the future, unrelated to SayulitAnimals, is human based. I find that I constantly return to social needs in this town that are being underserved. There are locals that know of needs, but don’t know how to help. Then there are those wanting to help, but not knowing who or how. I hope to start an organization to work on social issues, including public health, women, and youth. I plan to create a foundation in honor of the recently deceased owner of El Espresso - Yésica Doreli Ramos Gómez, who was an amazing example for everyone in this town, especially young women. Through this new group, I hope to connect those in this town who could use a little support with those of us who can help. Whether it’s school uniforms, getting people to doctor appointments, or just social support for a lonely, old person, there’s a need and we can all help in some way. So, let me know if you are interested in getting involved. I plan to work on the Yessi Foundation this summer.

How can others help?

With SayulitAnimals, we need all kinds of help, including things that don’t involve touching animals. For instance, we could use help with social marketing, technical issues, fundraising, accounting, products for The Kennel, airport or Puerto Vallarta vet runs, and so much more. Tell us what you are good at and we find something for you to do.

Outside, SayulitAnimals, stay tuned for the Yessi Foundation, coming this summer that I plan to start in honor of Yésica Doreli Ramos Gómez.