Oct 09 2011




Why doesn’t the Town Council pay for town improvements?

There is no Town Council in Sayulita because the Mexican system does not provide for one.  Although the municipality is responsible for infrastructure and public services within its borders, in most cases, a portion of the cost for town improvements must be paid by the townspeople.  In many cases (such as cobbling streets) that portion is 20%.  Depending on the project and the availability of special funding, (in certain areas and for certain types of projects) that percentage can be lower or can be waived.  Also, if municipal funds are not available for a project that a town wants, the town might have to pay all or a higher percentage of the cost. 

Who makes decisions regarding what improvements are made in Sayulita?

The President of the Municipality has the ultimate say as to where money is spent.  In the past, these decisions were based strictly on political expediency.  Now that Grupo Pro Sayulita A.C. exists, we are in a position to request the improvements that Sayulita really needs.  Grupo Pro Sayulita A.C. is the first association committed to the well being of all Sayulita residents and visitors.

Why should we have to pay?  Isn’t that why we pay taxes? 

Your property taxes, building permits, fines, fees, etc. that are paid to the municipal government are used to fund government services within the municipality.  If you check your last year’s tax bill you will realize that the amount you pay in Sayulita is far lower than you pay in the USA, Canada or Europe.  Usually a little over 100 USD versus the thousands you pay for property taxes in your country.  This means that there is less government money available for the services our town needs.  One hundred percent of your donation to Grupo Pro Sayulita A.C. is used to fund projects in Sayulita.  This money is leveraged against government funds to get 5, 10 or even more times the investment in government projects for Sayulita.  Since localities are generally required to put up a percentage of all government investment, Grupo Pro Sayulita A.C., through your donations can guarantee that we will cover our share.  This relationship of trust with the Municipality gives us a big advantage to secure investments in our town versus seeing our tax money spent elsewhere.

How does Grupo Pro Sayulita A.C. work with the Municipal Government?

As a fully registered Mexican non-profit Association we can receive government funding and public donations.  Grupo Pro Sayulita A. C. represents the needs of the town of Sayulita, assisting the municipality by lobbying for needed projects, overseeing infrastructure projects that have been approved and guaranteeing payment of Sayulita’s portion of the costs.

Who is Grupo Pro Sayulita A. C.?

Grupo Pro Sayulita A. C. was formed by a group of Sayulita’s local and foreign community members with the common goal of improving the quality of life in Sayulita.  Your contribution makes you a supporting member of Grupo Pro Sayulita A. C.

Where is the office of Grupo Pro Sayulita A. C.? 

Grupo Pro Sayulita A. C. was located behind the old RainTree Restaurant by the bridge.  We are currently in the process of finding a new location for our office.  We can be reached at 291-3523 or contact@preservesayulita.org.

What has Grupo Pro Sayulita A. C. done so far?

  1. With your donations we were able to buy a small diesel powered garbage truck to pick up garbage in areas where the main garbage truck can’t go.  In conjunction with the Municipal government, we created the program “Sayulimpia” designed to keep Sayulita clean and dust free.  Grupo Pro Sayulita A. C. negotiated an agreement with Municipio Bahia de Banderas whereby we donated the truck and provide management of personnel and the Municipio pays for salaries, diesel, maintenance and some plastic garbage bags.  We have a pick up schedule for the Gringo Hill, Nanzal, Niños Heroes, and Patzcuaro areas posted on our website.  In addition this truck and its crew maintain garbage cans placed throughout Sayulita on a daily basis including replacing plastic trash bags.  The crew also cleans up trash spills on the streets wherever they see it.  We have a hot line number (291-3523) that people can call when they see a trash spill and it can usually be cleaned up within the hour.  Since commencing operations, this crew has cleaned up all major trash piles around the town.
  2. Due to a generous gift from Walter Staudinger we purchased a used 3.5 ton truck. With your donations we fitted it with a water tank to help keep dust in check in the downtown area of Sayulita. We negotiated an agreement, similar to the garbage truck, with the Municipio Bahia de Banderas to pay salaries, gasoline and maintenance of the truck.  When not watering streets, our crew is available to help in trash cleanup and the removal of roadside weeds, etc.
  3. Grupo Pro Sayulita A.C. is now co-managing (with Cap Sparling and Cyndy Jones) the money collected for the construction of the WWTP in 2006.  So far we have purchased 3 additional aerators needed for the operation of the WWTP.  As a result, Sayulita now has the cleanest effluent in the Municipality.  The water flowing out of our WWTP exceeds government standards assuring that any water being emptied into our bay is safe for swimmers and surfers.
  4. With additional funds from the WWTP project, we are installing the main pipeline to handle the effluent from all the homes that feed into the creek that runs down Calle Revolución and Calle Niños Heroes and empties into the bay next to Don Pedros.  These homes will then hook up to the WWTP system, thus eliminating one of the last sources of water pollution to our bay.

What does Grupo Pro Sayulita A. C. have planned for the future?

Hire a road grader, at the beginning of the season rather than the end, to grade and repair unpaved streets around town that have been damaged by the summer rains.  This would include the filling of potholes and ruts and smoothing the road surfaces.

Make improvements in the downtown area both visually and for safety.  Repair and improve the sidewalks.  Redesign the parking downtown to be angled in parking rather than parallel parking.  This would increase the number of parking spaces and make parking easier.  Add planters at the ends of the parking rows as well as periodically placed between parking spaces.
There is a large multifaceted project that will center on the sports field. We hope to assist with the following projects:

 1.  Complete public bathrooms behind the visitors’ dugout, facing the street.
 2.  Create a watering system for the ball field assuring green grass year round.
 3.   Enclose the entire field to protect the field from misuse. 
 4.   Upgrade the baseball diamond and field to “professional” standards. 
 5.   Upgrade the stands and façade.
 6.   Create a bus stop, a taxi stand, and parking in the stadium area.

Continue getting all of the streets downtown cobble stoned.  We will help to implement further dust control measures and street improvements throughout the Sayulita area.

Continue our garbage pick-up, street cleaning, maintenance of trash cans and overall cleanup of Sayulita.

How can I get involved?

Your donation will make you a supporting member of Grupo Pro Sayulita A.C.  If you are interested in helping with fundraising, planning, logistical and other needs of the group, please contact Cyndy Jones at contact@preservesayulita.org.