Ser Su Voz awarded concession for conservation

Ser Su Voz awarded concession for conservation

Juan Echevarria, President of Ser Su Voz, Vice President Tracie Willis, and Treasurer Ana De La O, discussed their environmental project with us. On May 25th, 2022, they were granted a conservation concession for a 15-meter wide and 90-meter long strip of land along the river that falls under the “Zona Federal” designation. The Conagua national commission of water granted them this concession and they hold the official title for it.

In August of last year, they had a sizeable conservation area that included trees and multiple species of animals such as; Woodpeckers, Mot Mot Birds, Chachalacas, Magpie Jays, Iguanas, Bees and Pygmy Owls. 

It was a thriving eco-reserve and it was destroyed by someone hoping to build in the area.

Ser Su Voz  were granted this land, which holds significant importance to them, with the intention of turning it back into a space for environmental conservation for the community of Sayulita. “Regrettably, our small biosphere was devastated, but we are now endeavoring to restore it. Protecting the river is one of our core principles.” It’s important to note that the measurements of the land have changed since undergoing some destruction as well as being hit by Hurricane Roslyn, which occurred after the concession was awarded.

They are allowing the area to recover and actively rebuilding its ecology. Their aim is to construct a retaining wall along the riverside to reinforce its stability. They aspire to adhere to Mexico’s environmental regulations and exhibit greater respect towards the environment within this location. They have planted 3 primavera trees on the land and are looking for tree donations such as, Guamuchil, higueras and other native trees.

Anyone who would like to help out with this project can reach out to Juan Echevarria, President of Ser Su Voz at 3221078965


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