Sayulita Life’s 5,000mxn Monthly Donation Goes to Sayulitanimals

Sayulita Life’s 5,000mxn Monthly Donation Goes to Sayulitanimals

Here at Sayulita Life we love supporting our community and we are so honored this month to give a helping hand to one of the oldest non-profit organizations in Sayulita. We interviewed Sara Carmen Briner, the founder of SayulitAnimals. She is somewhat of a local legend herself and we have her perseverance and dedication to animals to thank for the lovely animal community we have today! 

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
I am originally from Switzerland but left my home country 21 years ago in search of my place in the sun and to do something to change the world for a better place.

When did you land in Sayulita and what made you stay?
After traveling around Mexico for 1 1/2 years I drove into Sayulita in 2005. I hadn’t even gotten out of my car when I felt and knew that I had found my new home.  

Sayulita must have been so different back then. Is there anything you miss about those times?
I miss the Mexican pueblo feel and I miss knowing almost every community member. 

When did you decide to start SayulitAnimals?
My first puppy Esmeralda opened my eyes in regards to the dog and cat situation back then. It was rather disturbing and I knew that I would not be able to turn my head each day but needed to actively do something to improve the life quality of the animals.

What did the beginning of SayulitAnimals look like?
We opened our doors in February of 2009 and at the beginning SayulitAnimals wasn’t just a non-profit organization but also a vet clinic. But after not even a year my partner and both vets dropped out. That is when Sayulitanimals became a stationary and permanent weekly spay/neuter clinic. 

It must have been somewhat of a one woman show back then. Do you feel like you have found helping hands along the way?
It was never just a one woman show but definitely my dedication, commitment and perseverance were and are needed. Shelly Yogev has been by my side for 14 years and is an amazing cheerleader and of great support to me. There are definitely many helping hands involved from people who believe in and trust SayulitAnimals.

Can you tell me exactly what Sayulitanimals does?
Over the years our programs have been modified and currently SayulitAnimals is a weekly spay/neuter clinic only. We are not an animal control authority, we don’t do behavior correction training and we are not a vet clinic and have never been and never will be a shelter. 

Is there a way to volunteer? How can the community and visitors help with the cause?
I have a solid volunteer team that helps at the weekly spay/neuter on Wednesdays. Also we do sometimes have dogs or cats living at the facility and they need feeding, walking, cleaning and medicating. That’s a great way to volunteer and be hands on with the animals.

Any specific supplies needed?
We are always in need of leashes and collars, dog food, sutures, gauze, disinfection materials, sterile gloves, etc. 

Can you tell me about being a flight Angel or foster parent to an animal?
When a rescue animal gets adopted to the States or Canada but the adopters aren’t here we look for travelers who are willing to book the dog on their flight and have her/him tag along. It costs the traveler nothing and will get a ride to the airport and I help with check in. At the destination the adoptee will get picked up upon arrival. Since we are not a shelter we are always in need of temporary homes (foster homes) for the rescue animal to rest, heal or just wait until she/he finds her/his forever family. 

Donation links:

Anything else you would like to add?
I would very much like to encourage business owners and community members to support us financially. Sadly most new business owners do not know what Sayulita was like years ago in regard to the street animal situation. Therefore I believe they don’t understand just how much their business is benefiting from SayulitAnimals efforts to make Sayulita a pet friendlier place. 

And last but not least, THANK YOU SayulitaLife for choosing SayulitAnimals as the recipient of  5000 Pesos. We greatly appreciate it!

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