March’s Recipient of Sayulita Life’s $5,000 Donation*: Trashion Fashion

Trashion Fashion

March’s Recipient of Sayulita Life’s $5,000 Donation*: Trashion Fashion

Each month Sayulita Life gives back to our community. For March, 2021, Sayulita has chosen the Trashion Fashion fundraiser as our donation recipient. Trashion Fashion began just a couple years ago as a means to raise funds for Sayulita’s recycling program, and to get the community involved in recycling and to spread awareness about its importance. The concept quickly became a hit, as volunteer participants worked together to create fashionable looks out of trash or recycled items to be shown off in a fun runway fashion show for the community. Lina Weissman, creative director, tells us more about the event and how Sayulita Life’s donation will help the recycling program in Sayulita. 

How and why was Trashion Fashion first created?

Trashion Fashion was first created by Flora Amor here in Sayulita. The idea behind the event was to educate the public about the trash issues here in town and about the option to recycle, while being creative and having fun. The second annual event was held on February 18th, 2021, and now it will serve as an annual fundraiser for our local, not-for-profit recycle program managed by El Centro Creativo y Reciclaje A.C. Due to COVID-19, this year, a virtual event was held to display the runway looks, with models and designers social distancing at the amazing Rancho Poco a Poco. The audience was able to watch from the comfort of their homes! Sponsors of this event included Flora Amor, Rancho Poco a Poco, DJ Webb, Spencer Harris Photography, and Gustavo Hernandez Makeup. The designs were fantastic!

What exactly will Sayulita Life’s donation go towards?

The local not-for-profit recycling service here in town was originally designed by the Infrastructure Committee of Groupo Pro Sayulita about four years ago. While Groupo remains an important part of the program, the recycling center is now administered by El Centro Creativo. Funds from the Trashion Fashion event are going to be used to support the program by paying part of the rent for the acopio (recycle collection site) and for paying workers. Donations such as Sayulita Life’s will also allow us to build a permanent recycle separation station that is open to the community 24/7. It is important to understand that while some of the recycled items can be sold to factories, the profits from these sales cannot support the program.

Even though this year’s virtual event & fashion show are over, how can people still get involved?

While the original plan was not to have a virtual event, the benefit from this is that the show is now published on YouTube for all to share and enjoy! The online donation page is also open for anyone that would still like to contribute! Thanks to Ninos del Sol, all donations are going through an organization in the U.S., so they are tax deductible there. To see the amazing show on Youtube, click here. To donate and support the continuation and growth of this important program, visit the donation page here. 

To find out more about the recycling program, including how to separate what is recyclable, how to get a private pick-up, or to learn about our weekly Puno Verde drop off site, visit our Facebook Page. 

*Since its founding in 2004, has been dedicated to giving back to the community of Sayulita. In our 15th year as a company, Sayulita Life has created the “Giving Fund”, where we have pledged to donate $5,000 pesos EVERY MONTH to a local charity or cause. Read more at

Written by Aanya Sheikh-Taheri