LIVE, LOVE, & EAT in SAYULITA: A Recipe for Zucchini Quiche

Live love quiche

LIVE, LOVE, & EAT in SAYULITA: A Recipe for Zucchini Quiche

After pizza, a rich yummy Quiche is my next favourite thing to make and eat! It is zucchini harvest time now, so I am going to share with you the most delicious recipe of a zucchini quiche with bacon and goat or cheddar cheese. I made this recipe exactly as I will be writing it; it is so light & flavorful! My husband and I loved it so much the first time around that I am making it again for dinner tonight. Served with a fresh green salad, this quiche feels like I have died and gone to heaven! 


-2 Tablespoons olive oil or unsalted butter. (*I prefer to use butter whenever I have the option.)

-2 shallots, thinly sliced. (*Mega in Bucerias almost always carries them. If you can’t find shallots, VERY thinly sliced sweet white onion will also work. Be sure to caramelize the onion very well if using it.)

-1 & ½ cups thinly sliced zucchini

-4 slices of bacon, cooked and crumbled

-1 cup crumbled goat or cheddar cheese

-4 eggs

-2 cups whipping cream. (*I love Lyncott whipping cream. You can find it in many Sayulita tiendas and always at Mega.)

-½ teaspoon salt and ¼ teaspoon freshly cracked black pepper 


1.       Preheat the oven to 425 degrees.

2.       Grease your quiche pan; I like to use my nice red fluted pie plate, but anything similar will work quite fine.

3.       Over medium heat, sauté the thinly sliced shallots or white onion with butter or olive oil until nicely caramelized. This can take 15 minutes or so.

4.       Add the thinly sliced zucchini and stir to combine.

5.       Sauté for 5 minutes.

6.       Transfer the vegetable mixture to the quiche dish.

7.       Sprinkle the goat or cheddar cheese and the crumbled bacon over the vegetables.

8.       Whisk together the eggs, cream, ½ teaspoon salt and cracked pepper.

9.       Pour the above mixture over the cheese and bacon.

10.   Bake until the top is golden and is puffed up throughout. Please don’t be concerned, as the puffed quiche will sink a bit as it cools down.

11.   Cool slightly before serving.

OMG…this is such a fabulous quiche! I can hardly wait until dinner time. My kitchen smells so good!

Please feel free to email me for any questions and add a comment through my Sayulita Life web page.

Written by Karina Shecter

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