MexiTreks in Sayulita- Sharing their Passion for Nature and the Environment, one Trek at a Time


MexiTreks in Sayulita- Sharing their Passion for Nature and the Environment, one Trek at a Time

MexiTreks in Sayulita offers clients fun jungle hikes, sea kayaking, snorkeling tours, and more, here in both Sayulita and its surrounding areas. However, more than just a tour company, MexiTreks prides themselves on taking the opportunity to educate their guests about our local ecosystems and environmental preservation. Eddie Ochoa, owner of MexiTreks, shares with me his passion for what he and his company get to do here in Sayulita, how he gets to influence others in teaching about environmental awareness, and how he spreads his message for respecting nature through the work his company does in the community.

First, can you tell readers a bit about the background of MexiTreks as a company, and how you got involved?

MexiTreks was originally started by Steve Pomeroy six years ago in 2013 as a way to share his love of nature with both locals and tourists here in Sayulita. We are so lucky to live in an area with such an amazing array of environments and ecosystems to explore. Back then I had been splitting my time between Sayulita and California for a while before I met Steve, and when I did, it was immediately obvious that we shared a passion for both nature itself and in sharing that passion with others. I then started working for MexiTreks as a guide. I learned so much from Steve about the local ecology. Steve later returned to Canada, and he wanted to pass the business along to someone who would maintain the core philosophies that he had established, so everything just lined up for me to take over.

Can you talk about some of the specific things that MexiTreks is currently doing for the community? Why do you think this work is important or beneficial?

Another aspect of MexiTreks that was very important to Steve was trying to help improve the place he lived and worked, so he did that both with the company and in his personal time. This is also very important to me, so we now make sure that our guides pick up trash on every tour, and we also try to use our position as an established business to do what we can to assist the wide variety of local organizations who are dedicated to helping improve environmental conditions in Sayulita. I feel so lucky to live in a place where people care about the welfare of their town and are willing to put their time, money, and heart into improving it. One specific thing we did recently that we are very excited about was a hike up Monkey Mountain with a wonderful group of kids, organized by El Centro Creativo. We are especially keen to get the next generation of residents to engage with the natural world to hopefully inspire them to do as much as possible to conserve our lovely stretch of coast. It feels like there is a groundswell to try to change the direction we are going as a planet, and we want to do everything we can to be a part of that. Even though I did help out in the community of Sayulita before taking over MexiTreks, I hope that now by being a business owner and a good citizen of our little town, then other members of the community will encourage both locals and tourists to come on excursions with us, so that we can continue to support Sayulita as much as possible. We in turn then recommend other businesses to our guests who we feel are also a positive influence here. It seems like an organic and sustainable way to create an ethical business environment for the town moving forward.

What do you (or MexiTreks as a whole) love the most about the work you do with the community?

Prior to taking over MexiTreks, I volunteered with local organizations, such as Sayulita Surf and Rescue, and the Sayulita Neighborhood Clean Up Crew, but I’m excited that now in owning MexiTreks it has given me an opportunity to do even more for the community. For example, we are planning our first fundraiser hike up Monkey Mountain on May 27th, 2019, for SayulitAnimals, where all the proceeds from the hike will go to their organization.

What service would you say MexiTreks specializes in the most?

One aspect of MexiTreks that we’ve been working hard on in the past year has been improving on our tour offerings for larger groups, such as yoga retreats and wedding parties. We have the advantage of being a small company, so we are flexible enough to customize experiences for any group, and we live in an area where there are such a wide range of choices for an adventurous way to spend a day.

Written by: Aanya Sheikh-Taheri