Business Transport- Professional Transportation Services in Sayulita & the Surrounding Areas

business transport

Business Transport- Professional Transportation Services in Sayulita & the Surrounding Areas

Business Transport Sayulita makes getting around Sayulita and its neighboring areas easy and stress free. When booking your transportation or travel needs, it can be hard to know what option may be best for you and your itinerary. Tino Avalos, owner and operator of Business Transport tells me about his family owned company and how he can help with your travel plans or transportation needs in the Nayarit area.

First, can you give readers a bit of background on who you are and how you got into this business?

My name is Tino Avalos. I live in Sayulita and started Business Transport recently as a new business venture due to my experience in customer service. I offer private, professional, and comfortable transportation services, as well as car rentals, in Sayulita and the surrounding areas. I have worked in the customer service and tourism industries since 1988, so I have vast experience in the field. I also worked as a security agent in various hotels in Vallarta, as well as in reception, and for various airlines.

What sort of services does Business Transport provide for clients, or what could they book your services for?

I love serving my clients in anything related to tourism. Not only do I offer transportation needs to or from the Puerto Vallarta airport for arrivals and departures during their travel or on holidays, but also any transport needs from one’s home or vacation rental. I also offer transportation service tours, such as private tours to Puerto Vallarta, San Pancho, Guadalajara, San Blas, Chacala, and Guyabitos.

Why should clients choose Business Transport when arranging their travel plans?

We have three large suburban vans that are roomy, comfortable, and have air conditioning. We always offer all our guests refreshments during their transport. Additionally, my company is incredibly safe. All of our vehicles are insured, and we have infant car seats and booster seats available if needed for optimal safety for all types of guests. Furthermore, for clients who book our services when arriving from the airport, we always include a complimentary stop at Mega in Bucerias for their grocery shopping needs. Finally, I also have a few car rentals available, so any need a guest may have is covered with Business Transport.

What makes your company stand out, or what makes it special and the best option for clients?

First of all, I would say the reason my company is the best choice would be because of my vast experience in customer service, and the fact that my company is family-owned and operated. Second, I am always happy to serve my clients in the most professional and friendly way I can, and my goal is to make them as comfortable as possible. My company is known for being punctual, friendly, honest, and confident. I also know the area very well, and my drivers are all bilingual, so we make communicating with guests and getting around very easy and stress free.

To find more information about Business Transport, or to book them for your travel / transportation needs, please visit their Sayulita Life Web Page.


*Written by: Aanya Sheikh-Taheri