#SayulitaStrong — The Community is Working Together

#SayulitaStrong — The Community is Working Together

Local group Sayulita Cares or “Cuida Sayulita,” with the donations raised from their fundraisers, began food and supply deliveries this last week to those in need in both Sayulita and the San Igancio area. The group delivered many packages containing food, supplies, and medications, with the help of the Gavilanes Vigilantes volunteers.

Sayulita Life is honored to announce the Sayulita Cares group will be our next local cause/charity to receive Sayulita Life’s $5,000 monthly donation as part of our Giving Back Program.

We thank all of those who already donated to support this cause, and thank the Vigilantes who have been volunteering their time and working hard to help drop off donations. 

Donations can be made via Flip Cause here