As Virus Spreads, Jalisco Governor Threatens Economic Shutdown

As Virus Spreads, Jalisco Governor Threatens Economic Shutdown

In a video message uploaded to social media on Tuesday, Jalisco Governor Enrique Alfaro warned that he will shut down the state economy if coronavirus cases and hospital admissions continue to increase.

He announced the Jalisco government has implemented an “emergency button” that if pressed, all economic activity will be immediately required to shut down.

He explained that activation of the button depends on two factors: hospital occupancy levels and the weekly per capita incidence of new coronavirus infections. “If the first indicator reaches 50% or the second reaches 400 per million inhabitants, we will have to stop [economic activities] again. It’s as clear as that. Today the first indicator is at 26% and the second is at 290,” Alfaro said.

This lockdown would be much stricter than the original lockdown the entire country faced in April & May. Everything, including public transportation and restaurants offering takeout would have to shut down. Only food markets will be permitted to remain open.

Read more here.