Puerto Vallarta Has Low Expectations For Tourism Over The Next Few Months

Puerto Vallarta Has Low Expectations For Tourism Over The Next Few Months

Puerto Vallarta has low expectations for tourism in the coming months due to Covid-19 based on July’s overall occupancy rate.

Puerto Vallarta closed the month of July with an average occupancy rate of 22% which brings a new low to tourism in Vallarta. There are around 39 hotels open in Puerto Vallarta that are operating at a maximum of 30% capacity. They are estimating that the remaining hotels will not reopen until the end of the year.

The expectation is that the 22% average will continue until the end of this month, September and October, a period in which the virtual period of classes restarts. Occupancy rates should start going up again in the long-awaited holiday season at the end of the year.

Mexico eagerly awaits a vaccine and is hoping for one to be available by the end of the year. Without a vaccine, the tourism industry in Puerto Vallarta should prepare for a much longer economic impact.

Read more here.