Alfredo’s Bread Sayulita– Bringing the Community Together:

Alfredo's bread

Alfredo’s Bread Sayulita– Bringing the Community Together:

Sayulita local Alfredo Moreno has been baking ever since he can remember. However, it wasn’t until this last March of 2020 when Alfredo decided to put his expertise in baking to good use in Sayulita, and he officially began Alfredo’s Bread Sayulita with the vision to help bring the community together during the difficult time of the Covid outbreak and quarantine. Alfredo wanted to help people who were feeling isolated and disconnected through the joy of sharing delicious food, as well as by encouraging people to share their own creations and recipes using his bread. Now Alfredo makes and sells a delicious variety of homemade breads passed down from family traditions. Alfredo talks more about what makes his bread unique and how Alfredo’s Bread Sayulita all began with the goal to help bring people together.

Hi Alfredo. First, please tell readers a bit about yourself.

My name is Alfredo Moreno, and I was born in Tecoman, Colima, Mexico. I am a third generation baker, as my Grandfather owned a bakery as well as my father. I have been living in Sayulita for five years now, since around 2015. In Sayulita, I found there to be a beautiful community with great potential for growth in all aspects, both personally and professionally, and a solid foundation for entrepreneurship.

When & why did you get started in bread making? 

I was literally born in a bakery! I have very early memories as a baby being on the floor of the bakery seeing the flour, and smelling the dough and other fresh baked goods. I started helping my dad at a very young age, (around four years old), and eventually ended up in charge of the entire production. I guess you can say making bread is in my genes, as it is a family experience, and one that I love.

I originally started Alfredo’s Bread in Athens, Georgia in the United States in 2010, as I was living there at the time. Initially I was selling naturally-leavened breads at the local farmer’s market. I then expanded to selling at CO-OPS, and different shops and cafes. Since then, I discovered the old ways of bread making and I fell in love right away — not only because of the flavor, but also the positive impact on health this natural method of bread making offers.

When did you bring Alredo’s Bread to Sayulita, and why? 

I started Alfredo’s Bread Sayulita this past March of 2020 in response to the COVID19 pandemic. Our close-knit community was all of a sudden very isolated and disconnected. I saw this as an opportunity to bring the community together through the joy of sharing healthy, delicious food. I initially started by offering/selling County French Sourdough and Pizza Dough, and I encouraged everyone who purchased their bread to share their creations in the Alfredo’s Bread Sayulita group on Facebook (please feel free to join!)  The repose that I received at first was shocking, and also extremely rewarding. It was amazing to see that during this very difficult time, that people still had a means of connecting with each other through sharing photos of their pizza and bread creations. People not only shared their creations, but the happiness that it was bringing them with their friends and family during a time of quarantine was wonderful to see. The community really started to connect, and everyone was so encouraging! A lot of laughter came out of sharing our creations. In a time of being so separated from each other, which is the first time this has been experienced in the Sayulita community, we finally had a way of connecting with each other again, and with Alfredo’s Bread Sayulita, we continue to do so. Who would have thought that making artisanal, sourdough bread for the Sayulita community would have had such an impact! I am eternally grateful for this experience and hope that it continues as we get back to more pleasant times. Thank you Sayulita; I truly love being part of this community.

What types of breads or products do you make & sell for the community of Sayulita?

The breads that I currently offer are:

-Country French Sourdough: a very versatile bread for everyday use; great for avocado toast, sandwiches or to accompany soups.

-Seeded Sourdough: it uses many different seeds which add to the taste and texture of the bread, and also is very versatile and great to use for sandwiches or to accompany other dishes.

-Jalapeño & Cheese Sourdough: this one is self described, and really I don’t have words to tell you how delicious this bread is!

-Brioche Buns: these buns are buttery, soft, and melt in your mouth! They are great for hamburgers or sandwiches, or even just plain!

-Pizza Dough: the dough is extremely delicious, with a note of sourdough added, and it is very easy to use when creating your customized pizza.

-Custom Orders: I am also accepting special/customized orders from individuals, restaurants, and businesses for bread orders for items outside of our weekly production, such as Ciabatta Bread, Epis, and Rye Bread; please inquire with any requests for bread products.

What is unique and special about your breads/products, versus bread that can be purchased in a tienda or supermarket?

When you buy from Alfredo’s Bread Sayulita, you can be sure that the bread was made with care, love, and the best ingredients. It is the same bread that I eat and make for my own family.  Naturally levitated breads are much healthier than commercial breads due to the extra bulk fermentation and the pre-fermentation of the sourdough starter. As a result of this, when you eat my bread, your body does not need to spend as much energy to digest it. I hope that everyone can get a chance to try Alfredo’s Bread Sayulita, and I am honored to be able to pass down my family tradition of baking and share these breads with this beautiful community. 

To learn more about Alfredo’s Bread Sayulita, or to order online, visit Alfredo’s Sayulita Life web page. You can also join their Facebook Group, follow on Instagram @alfredosbreadsayulita, or call/ send a message on WhatsApp at 322 277-7756.

*Written by: Aanya Sheikh-Taheri