Covid-19 Death Numbers Spike

Covid-19 Death Numbers Spike

On Wednesday, June 3rd, Mexico’s coronavirus case tally reached 101,238 with a record high of 3,912 new cases registered. More than 1,000 additional deaths were reported after fatalities dating back to April were confirmed.

The Covid-19 death toll has risen to 11,729, an increase of 1,092 fatalities which is more than double the previous high for a single day. This was the first time the number of coronavirus fatalities reported on a single day was higher in Mexico than the number recorded in the USA. However, some of those reported fatalities occurred in April or May but have had a slow path to registry for various reasons.

Based on confirmed Covid-19 deaths & cases, Mexico’s fatality rate is 11.6 per 100 cases, almost double the global rate of 5.9.

There are currently 44,896 suspected cases across the country, while more than 303,000 people have now been tested. 1 in 6 confirmed cases are considered active.

Every state other than Zacatecas was allocated a “red light” or high risk to determine which coronavirus restrictions can be lifted.

The government will announce updated stoplight colors for each of Mexico’s 32 federal entities on Friday.

Read more here.