The Final Steps of the Sayulita Lifeguard Tower Project are Complete


The Final Steps of the Sayulita Lifeguard Tower Project are Complete

A HUGE thank you goes out to each and every one of you who helped to make the final steps of the Lifeguard Tower Project a success! This truly was a village project. Some of you maybe helped financially by donating to the cause, some of you did physical work on the towers themselves, and others were supporters on an emotional level (particularly for me)! This was a labor of love for our community and by our community, and now we can say that our Sayulita beaches are safer knowing that we have these structures in place.

Funding for the towers came entirely from YOU– our beautiful community of Sayulita. The majority of the money came from these three fundraising campaigns: The Grupo Pro Sayulita Gala Dinner, the Sayulita Surf Rescue Fundraiser, (both which were held last March in 2018), and the recent GoFundMe campaign. After these fundraising efforts, we were still short of our targets, but managed to raise enough at the Ranchero Party in January 2019 to put us over the top and leave us with a small contingency fund for future repairs and equipment that may be needed. Donations came from residents and businesses alike. A huge thank you to all who donated and made this project possible!

You may have seen the parade on Friday evening, January 25th, 2019, with the lifeguard towers being trucked in by Grua from El Centro Creativo. It was a sight to behold, indeed! The towers were moved to the beach late in the day on Friday, January 25th. It took us nearly 5 hours to move them from El Centro Creativo to a resting spot at the end of Gaviotas. They were then moved to their final positions on the following Monday, (January 28th, 2019), and the final touches, including the roof tarps, were also installed on the 29th. The three new towers are now prominently placed on the main beach here in Sayulita in various locations. One is at the foot of Gaviotas, another is at the foot of Delfines, and the final one is at Playa de Pescaderos.

Some of you are maybe wondering “where are the Lifeguards for these new towers?” Rest assured, we are working on that very issue, and our hope is to have trained and skilled lifeguards in place at all stations in a very short time. A Tower Dedication Ceremony will be held once all of the signs are printed and placed on the stands.

In the meantime, we could use the support of our Sayulita community to help feed the Lifeguards. Friday and Saturday lunches are still open for assistance starting immediately. Two people are leaving for the season, so I need to replace them. They made lunches every Friday and Saturday. On Friday we need two lunches, and on Saturday we need three. A simple sandwich and chips would be great— nothing fancy is required. For more information, please contact me, Janice Parker, directly.

THANK YOU SAYULITA for making this project a success!



*Written by: Janice Parker