June Recipient of Sayulita Life’s $5000 Peso Donation: Ricardo Jauregi Hernandez

June Recipient of Sayulita Life’s $5000 Peso Donation: Ricardo Jauregi Hernandez

This month, Sayulita Life is proud to announce that our $5,000 donation is being directed toward supporting Ricardo Jauregui Hernandez, a cherished member of the Sayulita community and the owner of Coffee on the Corner. Ricardo has recently been diagnosed with late-stage lung cancer, and we recognize the urgent need for our collective assistance in this challenging time. By extending our help, we aim to support Ricardo and contribute to his well-being as he battles this illness. 

A GoFundMe was organized by Barry and Connie of Villas Rana Verde to help raise money to help Ricardo cover the costs of his treatment. Ricardo has been flown over to https://www.immunitytherapycenter.com in Tijuana, where he will be an in-patient until they can stabilize him enough to advance his recuperation to the next step of outpatient resident therapy.

Coffee on the Corner has been a beloved destination for both locals and tourists for many years, offering a quick espresso before hitting the waves in the morning or an invigorating pick-me-up in the afternoon. Not to mention their delicious chilaquiles, which are truly spectacular. Ricardo, with his ever-present smile and welcoming energy, has been an integral part of this vibrant establishment. As a united community, it is important that we join forces and rally behind Ricardo, supporting him in his journey towards a triumphant return.

Ricardo arrived to the Immunity Therapy Center in Tijuana on the 12th of May to stay at their in-patient facility under the care of Dr. Carlos Bautista. His health has taken a remarkable turn following extensive treatments. He has been diagnosed with stage 3 pleural lung cancer, which unfortunately has spread to his rib cage. As part of his treatment plan, he will undergo 5 mini radiations along with other therapies. The encouraging news is that his cancer is not the aggressive small cell type, which can be more challenging to treat. It is believed that Ricardo can fully recover within three weeks of outpatient care, supported by supplements and additional therapies. Ricardo and Alejandra maintain a positive outlook, understanding that he can overcome this difficult time and regain his health.

Ricardo’s progress has been exceptional after undergoing three radiation therapies. Both Ricardo and Alejandra are overjoyed with the wonderful apartment provided by the Immunity Therapy Center. Ricardo is expected to stay there for an additional 12 nights, and if everything continues to go smoothly, they will soon be able to return to their home in Sayulita. The outlook is optimistic, and they eagerly anticipate their reunion with the Sayulita community.

I urge all local residents who have had the privilege of meeting Ricardo and witnessing his genuine kindness to consider making a donation towards saving the life of this exceptional individual.

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