Live, Love, & Eat in Sayulita: Ketogenic Chocolate Mousse

Live, Love, & Eat in Sayulita: Ketogenic Chocolate Mousse

Who doesn’t like a rich chocolatey dessert? Today is the first of a few Ketogenic recipes that I would like to share with you. Chocolate Mousse is my most favorite keto dessert that I have tried so far. It is very easy to prepare, is rich, creamy, and oh so chocolatey and delicious, and sure to be a hit in Sayulita!


– 8 ounces Marscapone cheese

– 3-4 T Hershey’s Cocoa

– 3-4 T powdered Erithritol or Stevia (this is a sweetener to replace the sugar)

– 1&1/2 cups whipping cream (“Lyncott crema para batir” is a wonderful product and can always be found at Alas Blancas here in Sayulita


1. Scrape the Marscapone cheese into a medium size bowl & microwave for 15 seconds. If you don’t have a microwave, warm it a bit stove top in a bowl sitting over a pan of boiling water. Be sure that the bowl does not touch the water. You just want to soften the cheese so that it beats easily.

2. Beat the Marscapone with a handheld electric beater or a strong whisk if you don’t have an electric beater.

3. Sift the cocoa and sweetener through a very fine mesh strainer and add it to the softened Marscapone.

4. Beat together. At this point, please taste to see if you want to add more sweetener. I like my mousse to taste very chocolatey and not too sweet, so I find my proportions.

5. Whip cream just until stiff peaks and then;

6. Add ½ of whipped cream to chocolate mixture and stir gently until all the white streaks are blended.

7. Spoon into ramekins or container of your choice and;

8. Add remaining beaten whipped cream to top of each mousse and refrigerate.

I generally get 5 portions for my 8 ounce ramekins. Oh my goodness, more delicious than you could ever imagine! We are going to have these tonight with our camerones del mar (shrimp of the sea) that I bought from a truck driving down our Sayulita street this morning! We will also have a wonderful organic salad. I bought the greens and organic mung bean sprouts from Sayulita’s Friday Mercado del Pueblo.

Look forward to my next column where I will share with you a most yummy Ketogenc Foccacia Bread with a great dipping oil. I won’t be available for catering until the fall, but if you have any questions or comments you can go to my web page Live, Love, & Eat in Sayulita, where you will find my email address. Thank you so much for enjoying my columns. I LOVE writing and sharing them with you!

By: Karina Shecter