LIVE, LOVE, & EAT in SAYULITA — A Recipe for Spinach, Almond-Flour Tortillas

live love eat tortillas

LIVE, LOVE, & EAT in SAYULITA — A Recipe for Spinach, Almond-Flour Tortillas

Tortillas. We eat them all the time in Sayulita, and tacos are a staple. As you may be aware, I try very hard to stay away from carbohydrates, so I am always looking for a good low-carb tortilla shell recipe, and today I found it in my own kitchen! The best part is that all of the ingredients can be found here in Sayulita or close by in Bucerias. So if you still want to enjoy tacos but with a guilt-free, low-carb tortilla, then give this recipe a try!

I do apologize for not sharing my recipe for Tempura Shrimp & Vegetables with you. I tried to make tempura at home and have to honestly say that I would prefer to have had it at a good Japanese restaurant where they have the proper equipment to make the tempura light & crispy. KENSAO in the Liverpool mall in Puerto Vallarta makes excellent Japanese food. It is mine and my husband’s favorite lunch or dinner treat when we are in the city. If you do go there, please try the conch shell seafood dish, or the “CONCHA FLAMEADA.” It is my all-time favorite Japanese meal. Ask for the seafood to be “menos cocido,”or less cooked; less cooked gives you succulent pieces of conch, salmon, tuna etc. And of course, order the tempura!

Back to today’s recipe: I am going to teach you to make a spinach almond-flour tortilla that is so easy to make and oh so easy to use as a homemade taco wrap. I know that the ingredients sound a bit weird for a tortilla, but please don’t let this stop you from making these delicious wraps. You will be as pleasantly surprised and delighted by the taste as I was!


-4 ounces or 100 grams of fresh spinach. (*Steam the spinach with a bit of water until the leaves are almost totally wilted. Use the stems. Cool the spinach, and then squeeze by hand until you have squeezed out as much liquid as possible. Spread the spinach out on a layer of paper towels & dry as much as possible. Chop the spinach finely. I always buy my fresh spinach from our organic growers at our Sayulita Friday market, or the Mercado del Pueblo.)

-¼ cup almond flour. (*I usually find it at Costco, Mega, or Little Bee in Bucerias.)

-1 teaspoon dried garlic. (*Oksana at Sana spices made up a beautiful jar of dried garlic for me. Oksana’s spices are the BEST- so very fresh and flavorful. You can find her at the Friday market here in Sayulita as well.)

1 teaspoon salt

-2 eggs. (*I always use organic eggs, and many of the growers at our Friday market sell them.)


  1. Place the dried, chopped spinach, eggs, almond flour, dried garlic, and salt in a bowl (all ingredients), and stir until combined. This will become a batter like consistency that should be thick.
  2. Preheat the oven to 390 degrees F.
  3. Line a large baking sheet pan with parchment paper, and spray the paper with oil so that the tortillas do not stick to the paper.
  4. Divide the batter into four portions, and flatten each until you have a nice thin tortilla shape.
  5. Bake until the edges are golden and crispy. (*In my oven I baked them for 20 minutes. Since every oven runs differently, please keep an eye on these while they are baking to be certain that they are not over baked. Start watching them at 15 minutes. If you want them to be more like crispy tostadas, bake them until the tortillas are completely crispy throughout.)
  6. Fill the tortillas with any toppings you prefer.

For breakfast, lightly scramble some eggs in butter. Add avocado slices, lettuce, cilantro, and salsa for a delicious breakfast wrap. 

You can also fill these tortillas with roasted chicken slices, thin slices of lightly cooked beef, or pork. Taco seasoned ground beef, chicken, or pork are also good choices. Grilled vegetables and cheese, such as manchego or cheddar, are also yummy. Then of course, add salsa, tomatoes, cilantro, and avocado, all for a classic and delicious taco wrap! 

I froze my remaining tortillas to use in the future. To do so, wrap each individually, or place a piece of parchment paper between each tortilla before putting them into a freezer ziplock bag. When you want to eat them, take them out of the freezer and defrost them at room temperature for a few minutes. Then, rewarm them in a 300 degree oven for 1-2 minutes.

I know that you will love these! They are easy to make, and can be filled with any toppings of your choice. How great is that for your next Sayulita taco night! Invite some friends over, have lots of toppings prepared, and let everyone make their own taco or burrito. So fun!

For my next column I am going to share with you a recipe for a new pizza crust; pizza is one of my favorite foods to eat. I LOVE pesto as the sauce, slices of chorizo, sliced jalapeños, and manchego queso de cabra (goat cheese). I top my baked pizza with a drizzle of Lala crema, and I am in heaven. Stay tuned for this recipe!

If you have any questions or comments, please email me through my Sayulita Life Web Page. I LOVE hearing from you!


Written by: Karina Shecter